Balancing the 3Es®: Environment, Energy & Economy

Balancing the 3Es®: Environment, Energy, and economy

One of our generation’s challenges is to work together, finding solutions to balance our energy needs and our desire to care for our planet without wrecking our economy. Our strength to overcome this challenge starts with our people.

3E Balance Keepers are committed to tackling this challenge by Balancing the 3Es®: Environment, Energy, and Economy.

3E Balance Keepers starts with our USA Energy Workers who believe and value a sustainable environment, a robust economy; all made possible through strong domestic energy exploration, production, development, generation, mining, capture, processing, refining, transporting, storage and distribution.

3E Balance Keepers know that when we have affordable energy, we strengthen our economy and our national security. We travel more, we buy more, we build more, we are more! Additionally, our businesses are able to grow and hire more employees. It’s not debatable – as goes our access to affordable energy – so goes our economic performance.


America experienced six recessions from 1973 to 2019 with each preceded by a spike in energy prices.

There is a need for American-produced and generated energy. It is not a solution, but rather an insult, to request foreign countries to increase energy production in favor of USA Energy Workers; especially when much of the foreign production has inferior climate and environmental metrics. Unleash our inspiration, dedication, perspiration, and innovation to help achieve Balancing the 3Es®: Environment, Energy, and Economy.

3E Balance Keeper™ Earth Day event 2021

coming soon!

Balancing the 3Es® youth education

Pilot Initiative 

A learning opportunity focused on the 3Es®: Environment, Energy and Economy and how they work together to support our daily lives. 

Participants will engage in hands-on learning opportunities to increase their knowledge and understanding of the relationships between the 3Es®.

Simultaneously gaining an understanding of key STEM concepts and connections within their communities.  

America is in need of new Champions to help lead the conversation. 

Let’s “Balance the 3Es®: Environment, Energy and Economy!”