interesting observations . . . .



We are aware that energy leasing of Federal Lands and Waters has been a bipartisan policy for at least six decades under 13 US Presidents. Americans are experiencing unnecessary pain at the pump due to this unforced policy error of making our Nation’s publicly owned resources more difficult to obtain. It’s not just pain at the pump, rising natural gas prices are making this Winter more expensive for too many Americans.

… AND @ the natural gas meter

With nearly 15% of natural gas produced in America coming from Federal Lands and Waters, the Federal Government is in control of helping to make more of this climate-advantaged production available to consumers. Nearly 40% of the electricity in this country is generated from natural gas. Americans shouldn’t be asked to make a choice between the cost of prescription drugs and utility bills. Let’s unleash the inspiration, dedication, perspiration, and innovation of the USA Energy Worker to help Americans lower their energy costs while at the same time improving the health of Mother Earth.

Climate advantaged production in america

We are aware of the significant climate-advantaged production of America. It is important to note that nearly 75% and 60% of the imported oil into the United States has a higher carbon intensity per barrel than production from the Gulf of Mexico and the other major producing basins of the USA.


Did you know?

Royalites to restoration

We share President Biden’s recent expression of concern that surging energy costs would hurt working class families, as reported by NPR on Oct. 31, 2021. “It has profound impact on working class families just to get back and forth to work.” Furthermore, he stated, “everyone knows that idea that we’re going to be able to move to renewable energy just not rational.” Since its inception, offshore oil and gas production has created hundreds of thousands of jobs and generated billions in royalties for the U.S. Treasury, boosting our nation’s energy independence and national security – all while yielding approximately half of the carbon intensity per barrel of other producers worldwide. The offshore industry has also worked with the federal government and partners, such as the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), to collaborate on innovative efforts like the Rigs- to-Reef program, which repurposes obsolete platforms into habitats for marine life. Additionally, legislation and programs like the Great American Outdoors Act, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act (GOMESA), and the Land and Water Conservation Fund ensure that more than $2 billion in annual earnings from federal offshore oil and gas leasing are dedicated to long-term coastal conservation and restoration, environmental protection, and recreation efforts. Without continued, reliable leasing and production, this funding will cease to exist.